Radar Component
Flexible architecture of the radar subsystem allows connection to a local or remote radar site or to both (possibly in different frequency ranges).

Multi-functional Radar Processor
Multi-functional radar processor is intended for processing radar information and conversion thereof in a digital form which would be user-friendly for various technical applications.

Scope of Application
- Integrally with the indicator of onboard and ashore navigational radar;
- In combination with electronic chart systems to display a full radar image of the aquatic area superimposed on an electronic chart;
- Integrally with radar information processing and display systems.
Radar processor is interfaced both with domestically manufactured radar stations (Baltika, Nayada, Okean, Ryad, etc.), and with radar stations of leading foreign producers (BridgeMasterE, VisionMaster, Furuno, Koden, JRC, Selesmar and others).
Interface with Navigation Aids
Radar processor has the following specific features:
- Analog-to-digital conversion of radar video signal;
- Manual and automatic (adaptive) setting of video signal detection threshold;
- Extended (low-frequency) interference proof mode ("Rain" mode);
- Asynchronous interference (from other radars) suppression mode;
- Noise suppression mode;
- Hardware indication of absent (disappearing) radar;
- An option to form a radar image in Cartesian co-ordinates matching the assigned image scale and pre-set vessel location for further "superposition" on the image of an electronic chart.
RPU-1.2 radar processor has the following performance data:
- Interface — USB version 2.0, High Speed mode;
- Operating system - «Windows XP»,«Windows Vista»,«Windows 7»
- All radar signals are galvanic isolated.
- VIDEO signal voltage range 0- 5 V of any polarity;
- VIDEO signal input resistance 50 or 75 Ohm;
- Range of synchronization pulses - 25 V of any polarity;
- Number of aerial direction pulses 90, 180, 360, 400, 450, 1024, 2048 or 4096/turn;
- ADC clock frequency 50 MHz;
- ADC word length 8;
- Number of distance readouts 4096;
- Aerial scan rate 30 rpm.
Radar processor resources enable to expand capabilities of signal processing on Customer's request.
Target Acquisition and Tracking
The operator is given the functionalities to set/ reset automatic target acquisition conditions by e.g. choosing between the 2/2 and 4/4 criteria or adapting the video signal detection threshold, etc. Different criteria can be used in different ranges and/or under different weather conditions.
Target loss criterion considers the absence of the target track in a number of consecutive scans during a predefined time period. In this case, tracking is terminated and a “Lost Target” signal is generated.
Radar Target Display Functionalities
The operator is provided a wide range of functions to control radar image overlay, such as:
- “Tailed” target presentation
- Mosaic radar image mode, operator-defined no-tracking and video masking areas, etc.

Implemented Filtration Algorithms
Robust digital filtration algorithms have been implemented with the Subsystem to improve radar image quality on the screen.
- HF and LF adjustable digital video filtering
- Sweep-to-sweep correlation
- Spontaneous pulse and white noise suppression
- Clutter suppression
Target Integration
Info about the same target may come to dKart Port Monitoring Center from different external sensors, e.g. AIS transponder and radar (-s). The purpose of the target integrator is to recognize situations like this according to built-in criteria and, if this is the case, combine the signals thus obtaining generalized data on the target position and movement parameters. The integrator can also extrapolate the target´s movement beyond the radar coverage area.
Radar Control Functions
Radar control functions of the Subsystem include
- Switching the radar to Standby/ Transmit mode
- Radar power ON/OFF
- Selection of the radar pulse length
- Switching to the active transceiver mode (for dual configuration)
- Selecting antenna polarization
Control is only possible over BridgeMasterE radars and those VisionMaster produced by Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine

Technical Characteristics of the Radar Subsystem
- Maximum operation range of 32 nm
- Spatial resolution of 3.0 m
- Up to 500 tracked targets at a time
- Maximum tracked target speed of 100 knots
- No-loss tracking of targets accelerated up to 4 m/sec2
The radar subsystem can be installed not only as a part of a bigger dKart Port Monitoring System, but independently as well
Compatible Hardware:
- Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine BridgeMaster-E
- Koden