Information System of the ice situation in the sea channel
The System was developed by "Marine Complexes Systems" and "NavDevelopment Co" Ltd.
The system is designed to receive and present information about ice conditions in real time. It is already in use and tested on several ice-going vessels.
Information is provided as radar georeferenced ice images. Each shot is formed by the "Ice Vision" radar indicator ("Marine complexes and systems"). Standart 3 cm radar is used, which provides high quality images.
Information display
Electronic Chart System (ECS) dKart Navigator Ice is used to display pictures. It produces processing of ice images, allows view them and also provides them storage.
Designing the system, the need of efficient transmission ice information from the vessel in conditions of limited satellite communications in arctic regions was taken into account. Information is transmitted compressed, but with minimal loss.
Ice images acquired in the system SOLOMKa, perfectly complement or replace satellite images on the routes of intensive shipping. Radar ice images provide the best resolution and do not depend on from weather conditions.
image from sattelite

Image from System added to sattelite image

16.05.2021 Sabetta Sattelite Radar

16.05.2021 Sabetta Ship Radar

The System is exchanging data between source vessels and onshore center. Thus, each System participant receives constantly updated information on ice conditions in the region. The data format is compatible with:
- dKart Navigator Ice
- dKart AIS WEB Ice
- Transas Navi Sailor with option Ice
- Google Maps
- Control of ice conditions in the area of operation of an icebreaker / transport vessel
- Assessment of the dynamics of changes in ice cover
- Development of recommendations for laying routes
- Control of the position of the boundaries of the ice field
- Ice forecast
- Projection transformations of single radar images
- Radar distortion compensation
- Synthesis of an integrated georeferenced radar image
- Display in the background of the map with a choice of time and place
- Ice data archiving
14.05.21 Karskoe sea. Top limit of ice field

15.05.21 Sabetta, moving ice

Ob'guba Maritime Channel

Accumulated ice coverage