dKartNavigator MV2
With dKart Navigator MV2 you will know about everything at sea
dKart Navigator Multi View provides local AIS and ARPA targets display over standard marine electronic charts for remote users, connected via LAN or WAN. Is compatible with the following smartphone and tablet client’s browsers: Internet Explorer v.11 or higher, Google Chrome v.38 or higher, iOs Safari v.7 or higher, Mozilla Fire Fox v. 40 or higher, Opera v.33 or higher.
dKart Navigator Multi View can be installed separately or as extension for : ECS dKart Navigator and VTMS dKart Port Monitoring.

dKart Navigator MV2 provides:
Chart display for formats:
- S-57\S-63 edition 3
- Open Street maps
Client workstation provides:
- Electronic Sea Chart
- Own ship symbol
- Current route and way points
- AIS Vessel target
- ARPA targets, if available
- AIS Vessel target list and data information
- Visual markers of a target on list and on the chart
- Color indicators for different ship types
- Dangerous cargo markers
- Lost target indication
The user interface features:
- Cursor position information bar
- Chart/ Graphic window
- Vessel data list window
- Vessel information window
- Linear scale
Measuring on chart:
- Bearing, distance, total route length
Chart/Graphic control functions include:
- zoom in / zoom out
- select scale
- pan/drag function
- automatic chart scroll to a pre-defined target
- User-defined chart presentation level and color scheme
On chart information contains:
- Name
- MMSI number
- IMO number
- Call Sign
- Speed
- Course
- Heading
- ROT – rate of turn
- Status reported (under way, moored etc.)
- Destination
- ETA (Estimated Time Arrival)
- Ship Type reported (cargo, tanker, etc.)
- Last Updated Target Time
- Time to go to way point
- Course to steer to way point